
Holt autorise Amy et Jake à rester chez lui, pour garder son appartement, tandis qu'il va à Paris, rendre visite à Kevin. Mais il regrette sa confiance lorsqu'il apprend que son chien adoré, Cheddar, a disparu. Ne devaient-ils pas veiller sur lui ? Parallèlement, la tendre romance d'Adrian Pimento et Rosa perturbe grandement Terry... (Groupe Canal+)


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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais I wasn't completely enthusiastic about the previous episode, but the eighteenth one really buried it. The writer should have started banging his head against the wall as soon as he first thought of writing an episode about guarding the captain's house. There is hardly anything to be gained from such a clichéd matter (unless with a brilliant script), and the result showed that. Damn it, even the mandatory escape of the pet was included... // "Are you making holes? You have too much paper there." "I wouldn't say that." / "Amy, me and blind Charles will search the surroundings." / "Damn it, Charles, it's a raccoon!" "No..." ()