
Jake et Terry infiltrent un club de paris illégaux, manoeuvre destinée à arrêter Daniel Valdano, trafiquant d'armes. En apprenant aux deux policiers l'art du poker, Holt fait ressurgir son addiction au jeu. Charles investit dans un food-truck au passé sanglant, sans prévenir Amy, qui lui a prêté l'argent... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The quality took a slight dip after Halloween, but I was expecting it. Thankfully, the humor was still top-notch, thanks to two constants for me: Captain Holt and Rosa. It's always amusing to see a flaw in Captain's character, and Rosa always tackles challenges head-on... Figuratively speaking. // "That imbecile in the trucker hat hit both his runners and sucked out on the river." ()