Evil Dead Rise

  • Canada L'Opéra de la terreur : Renaissance (plus)
Bande-annonce 2


Alors que Beth n’a pas vu sa grande sœur Ellie depuis longtemps, elle vient lui rendre visite à Los Angeles où elle élève, seule, ses trois enfants. Mais leurs retrouvailles tournent au cauchemar, quand ils découvrent un mystérieux livre dans le sous-sol de l’immeuble, dont la lecture libère des démons qui prennent possession des vivants... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (10)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I liked the opening and the brilliantly built-up finale, but between that, the new Evil Dead was nothing to write home about. What surprised me was that, compared to the film that started everything in 1981 (for a couple of bucks), this one is rather mild. What pleased me, on the other hand, was how they didn't mess around with it (thank you for the reasonable running time), and that there was no lack of black humour either. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Les incontournables Tapert, Raimi et Campbell tiennent la barre et ne lâchent rien. Tant sur le plan de l’intensité et de la quantité de sang, que sur celui du haut niveau technique. Le film se déroule pour la première fois ailleurs que dans une cabane au fond des bois, mais dans l’environnement tout aussi inhospitalier d’un immeuble de logements sociaux sans ascenseur en état de marche ni escalier de secours. Les masques et les comportements diaboliques des victimes possédées par les démons sont désormais une marque de fabrique éprouvée de la série au service de ses fans. Les personnages n’agissent pas de manière aussi stupide que la dernière fois, et leur casting ainsi que leur style « emo » sont résolument non conventionnels, rappelant la distribution d’ensemble du dernier Hellraiser. La beauté mystérieuse d’Alyssa Sutherland est parfaite pour le rôle de la démone. Tout le monde sait que cette franchise a les démons les plus élaborés de tous les temps, et cette fois-ci, même une petite fille en fait partie ! C’est un plaisir de retrouver une fois de plus sur grand écran un tel délice, dans le genre carnage, réalisé avec tant d’amour. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Evil Dead Rise est un bon film d'horreur, mais si vous connaissez la série Evil Dead, vous vous contenterez de cocher mentalement la liste de ce qui doit inévitablement se passer. L'ambiance d'un vieil immeuble locatif n'est pas aussi atmosphérique et intéressante pour un film d'horreur qu'une cabane dans les montagnes. Les créateurs ont essayé de transférer le diabolique dans un nouvel endroit confiné, mais n'ont pas pu éviter la cabane éprouvée, donnant au film un cadre assez impressionnant, mais totalement inutile pour l'intrigue principale. Le Evil Dead de 2013 était bien plus percutant, impressionnant et divertissant dans l'adaptation de la formule établie ; celui-ci est juste OK. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Sam Raimi produced and Lee Cronin directed Evil Dead Rise to make fans of the original as happy as possible. An audiovisually aggressive gore flick with great sound design and a lot of imaginative violence, it's a wild ride that goes by pretty damn fast even with its short running time. It also has fine heroes and even the derelict building setting works well enough to not mind that it doesn't bring much new to the table. I'm just not sure if a similarly off-the-rails horror film can capture audiences. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The nod to Raimi is clear right from the title, so expect more than just a monster under the bed. We're talking decapitations and characters going through medieval levels of bodily torment. It's brutal, twisted, and bloody — but in a way that’s traditionally entertaining for this horror franchise. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The new Evil Dead is audiovisual porn and a brutal uncompromising ride. Lee Cronin has now risen decently into the big leagues and hopefully he'll stick to horror, he's certainly got something to offer. The change of setting in an apartment complex is welcome and refreshing. All the characters are likeable and surprisingly well acted (the little girl is amazing – a new child talent on the scene), the technical aspects with the cinematography are pushed to perfection – this is a TOP Tier 1 horror event – and the same can be said for the sound effects and make-up, there is simply no competition. The gore is well done, although I was honestly expecting more carnage, I wanted more neighbours on the meat grinder and the off screen kill was a surprise, but the only major complaint, and I'm not going to knock a star off because of that, as the final motorcycle-crusher gore combo ranks among the Top Gore scenes of any horror film ever. It's nice to see that not only the whole house is covered in blood from the roof to the basement, but also the parking lot along with the main character. There are some nice references (shotgun, chainsaw not to be missed), the reading of the pages of the Necronomicon is properly creepy, and the atmosphere, which is at times uncomfortable and properly creepy, is also done well. Alyssa Sutherland and her smile are definitely unsettling and a badass when all hell breaks loose. It's nice that even though there are kids featured, everyone gets their ass kicked. Some people complain about the lack of humour, but I honestly can't imagine any humour here, this is no light comedy splatter, but a dark, evil, atmospheric, brutal and uncompromising horror film where lightness would only take away from its power and intensity. We won't see anything more brutal in theaters this year. Watching it, I was reminded of all the hits from my childhood, from Inside to Martyrs, and the new Evil Dead is right in that variety. PS: Hopefully the film will make money, because 10 people at the premiere is sad. 9/10. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais "You don't look so good, mom..." The technically-satisfying Evil Dead in a high-rise building can’t rely much on the child actors (especially during the possession phases), but that’s balanced out by Madam Sutherland, who would make Russell Crowe in an XXXL robe look small right now! Tailor's scissors under the bed, a broken mop handle, a wood chipper parked in the underground garage (if the entrance were bigger, there’d be a combine harvester too)—all of these are predictably put to use while testing if they can surpass the maximum weight capacity of the Overlook Hotel's elevator. The only remaining question is: after the intro at the lake house, will Ripley, Newt, and the trio avoid the evil from the vents and fly off the planet Monde? ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's hard to believe a "rookie" like Lee Cronin could do this. He's pulled off a horror film that has managed to please 80% of the audience after God knows how long, is heading for massive numbers in the ratings, and is not just another generic entry into the genre, but the ultimate pleasure for die-hard fans of the franchise and the average viewer alike. Evil Dead Rise may not be as great as I would have liked, nor is it significantly more sophisticated or specifically its own, but it doesn't bore from start to finish, serves up great gore that in terms of quality and quantity and torrents of blood makes you feel almost disgusted, and visually wades into waters where other horror films fear to tread, and therefore scores full marks in terms of explicit scenes. Likewise, the soundtrack is nifty, and I wouldn't believe I'm about to say this, but the acting is top notch as well, as, exceptionally nobody here runs around like headless chickens, but behaves (within reason) quite rationally. I'm saving my fifth star for minor details like the characters' occasional sentimental "you'd be a good mom" talk while being chased by a knife-wielding psychopath (damn, I'm really waiting in vain for a movie that spares us these clichéd unconvincing chatterboxes... ) or the heroic monologues of the heroine while she's hacking the monster to bits, but outside of that and the fact that the curse jumps on whoever it wants to and how it suits it, I can't really complain in any significant way, because I can't remember a horror carnage this cinematically sound, purposeful and satisfying. A satisfying and I would say almost perfect first date movie. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I expected a film that would completely break free from the conventional bounds of bloody and explicit horror! Evil Dead Rise didn’t quite deliver on that front. Don’t get me wrong... Technically, it’s a flawless film, set this time in the intriguing environment of a dilapidated apartment building somewhere in LA. I even managed to warm up to the main protagonist during the enjoyable hour and a half. And when it comes to gore, it’s absolutely top-notch (though by my standards, it’s disappointingly sparse... the trailers promised a bigger dose). However, the story ultimately let me down. Adding in a few illogical situations (especially the bizarre way the blood-borne infection behaves) and some stupid character actions, it just can’t reach the genre's peak. On the plus side, Alyssa Sutherland played the demonic mother brilliantly... And the final chainsaw sequence? I genuinely squealed with delight :D It ends up with a weaker 7/10. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais So here everything is absolutely fine. Anyone who has seen Evil Dead in its original versions (and it certainly left an impression on them, just like me) knows what they're getting into and applauds. Those who have never seen this film before not only miss out on that applauding heart and butterflies in the stomach right at the beginning when the 'demon' is making its way through the woods and over the water, but in the end, they're probably just disgusted by the visual appearance of all the scenes :D I have to say that I was completely satisfied. 90% of the film is in the spirit of Evil Dead (literally lol), it's cool, it's scary, disgusting, gloomy, muddy, bloody, crazy, relentless - the only thing that was slightly exaggerated was the ending, but then again, it was exactly the kind of ending you'd expect from Evil Dead, so why not :D I liked it! ()