Minuscule - La vallée des fourmis perdues

  • Belgique Minuscule - La vallée des fourmis perdues (plus)
Bande-annonce 5
France / Belgique, 2013, 88 min

VOD (1)


Dans une paisible vallée, des fourmis noires vivent une série d'aventures extraordinaires après la découverte d'une boîte de sucres, un trésor convoité également par les terribles fourmis rouges ! Mais c'est grâce à l'amitié d'une jeune coccinelle qu'une fourmi noire va tenter par tous les moyens de sauver les siens. (Le Pacte)

Critiques (4)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Only sounds and images. No words. Moreover, in this performance. It's just a fantastic balm for the soul, which is incredibly action-packed, entertaining, and interesting. The mimics of the miniature creatures are incredible, even though they don't really have any. Only their gaze and suitable sound, and you know exactly what emotion they evoke in you. Almost unbelievable. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A mildly grotesque Ladybug: A journey There and Back Again that would have made Sekor=s and Tolkien's hearts sing. And if you still have at least a glimmer of your childish self that could appreciate the whirlwind of naughtily instructive playful imagination, you will be no different. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Definitely the best documentary from the insect kingdom - not even the famous BBC would make something like this. But now more seriously: This is SUCH a magical film with everything that it's almost impossible to describe. Idea after idea, cute animation, humor, suspense, epic battles... In short, nothing is missing and it even does it without a single word. The Minuscules did it! ()