
Cavemen follows LA playboy Dean (Skylar Astin) who is fed up with one-night-stands and empty relationships and realizes that he wants something more out of life than just a party. With a little inspiration from his nine-year-old nephew and his best friend Tess (Camilla Belle), Dean decides to try his hand at finding true love for the first time - which proves to be much more difficult than he thought in modern-day Los Angeles. (Well Go USA Entertainment)


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anglais Just a plain ordinary movie about people that unfortunately doesn't stand out in any way. It's like everyone is living in a vacuum, living their little happy lives and the troubles they have to deal with are only about whether they will or won't have good sex. It pretends to be about life, but it's not really. This is just a caricature of what life represents. It's neither dramatic nor funny. Oh well. ()