Log Horizon - Season 2

Japon, (2014–2015), 10 h (Durée : 24 min)



Après s’être retrouvés mystérieusement piégés dans le monde virtuel Elder Tale, Shiroe et ses compagnons aventuriers se débattaient pendant presque six mois pour s’adapter à leur nouvelle réalité. Entre-temps, ils réussissent à restaurer l’ordre à Akiba, ainsi qu’à défendre le peuple contre l’invasion des goblins à Zantleaf. Cependant, tandis que l’hivers arrive, Shiroe et ses amis commencent à réfléchir à leurs buts pour l’avenir : ils doivent quitter Akiba, qui a retrouvé son calme, afin d’explorer plus loin dans le vaste monde d’Elder Tale. Quelles aventures les attendent ! ? (ADN)


Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais So the animation style has changed a bit and it is quite noticeable in some of the characters, although I like it a bit more this way. It fits my idea of a fantasy adventure MMORPG better, plus Akatsuki is still just as cute and the concept has remained the same, so in that respect, I feel satisfied. I am not too happy with the plot, which, unlike in the first season, is not as interesting and does not give my favorite characters much screen time. Instead, it focuses too much on the younger generation, of which I personally like only Rundelhouse. I was also annoyed by what they did with Krusty; I liked him and the princess perhaps the best out of all those romantic couples. Oh, and even my lovely Akatsuki is not on screen as often as she would deserve (preferably all the time). The last two or so episodes were good and indicated what might come next. I hope the next season might progress and focus more on the main plotline and the characters I liked so much last season, so I hope that the downward trend of my Log Horizon rating is not going to continue and that these four stars will be the worst I ever give this show. 8/10. ()