
The year is 2020. A young woman named Shiori Genpō, a descendent of the Phantomhive noble family, runs the prosperous Funtom Company. Since only males are allowed to lead the family, Shiori disguises herself as a man name Kiyoharu, and works to solve difficult cases tasked by the Queen. Sebastian Michaelis, a demon, watches over and protects her as her butler in exchange for consuming her soul after she fulfils her revenge. (Madman Entertainment)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I approached this without clinging to the source material or the anime, and I did just fine because I at least enjoyed it that way. Of course, there were certain details that someone who knows the source material is more likely to enjoy (like Sebastian as a cat lover, or Tanaka – it really was exactly him in the movie). The running time isn’t too long, so the film moves along at a nice pace, and is also bolstered by a very decent OST. The acting was very decent, but Mizushima Hiro shone above all, returning to the silver screen after four long years. For me, one of those above average "live action" film versions. I enjoyed it, I wasn't bored, and I even laughed. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Thanks to two viewings, both series of the great anime are still vivid in my memory, and yet it remains a question as to whether that's a good thing. In my opinion, it is, because a knowledgeable viewer can enjoy plenty of direct quotes and references, very faithful supporting characters, and the unmistakable atmosphere of the family manor. However, the shift to the present is fatally jarring, which I spent the first half adapting to, along with the related nature of the central case, which contains perhaps too many modern conveniences. All the more credit goes to Hiro Mizushima, who skillfully tackled the most thankless role with a star. Portraying the eternally calm Sebastian in the live-action adaptation is solid hell, given the fans' expectations, and his minimal gestures and smile in his eyes brought forth the true and genuine servant for everything. For individuals positively tuned into the Kuroshitsuji wave, it is clearly a must, and for viewers unaffected by demonic servants, it is a promising experience. ()