Deux salopards en enfer

  • Belgique Deux salopards en enfer (plus)


Italie. 1941. Condamnés à mort par la cour martiale, deux soldats américains, un blanc et un noir, sont miraculeusement sauvés grâce à l’irruption d’un commando de parachutistes allemands. Ayant également échappé au massacre, l’officier chargé de leur exécution doit s’unir à eux pour tenter de survivre. Les trois hommes trouvent refuge dans un village pittoresque. Ils vont alors organiser la défense des villageois face aux Nazis. (Artus Films)


Critiques (1)

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anglais The film begins with a Bible quote and ends with a JFK quote, and is pretty much decent to watch until... Until the trio of "heroes" arrive in an Italian town where all hell breaks loose. Not war, but movie hell. It only takes a moment and Klaus Kinski, who until then had constantly amused me with his (semi-)crazy expression, suddenly makes a terrible fool of himself. The script doesn't deal his black colleague such a blow, but that doesn't mean he fares any better. At least the finale with the attack of the (thankfully German-speaking) Germans irons out the mess quite effortlessly and Kinski's last scenes are really worth it. What disappointed me even more in The Liberators, unfortunately, was Ortolani's overly weird music and the ostentatiously cheap production design in general. Two and a half. ()