
Vera, une intrigante jeune femme, rompt avec son fiancé, un artiste, en le conviant à son mariage avec un autre homme. Marqué par cette rupture sentimentale, l'ex-fiancé part s'installer dans un hôtel de New Cardiff pour reprendre goût à la vie de célibataire. C'est à ce moment-là qu'il fait la connaissance et tombe amoureux d'une belle demoiselle de la région. Mais Vera tentera de retrouver le jeune homme pour lui expliquer qu'il s'agissait d'une plaisanterie. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (4)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Colin Firth can’t let those romantic comedies alone. He wants to touch women all the time and they just won’t let him. Then he has the opportunity and suddenly he has two women and has no idea what to do. The happy male face on the poster is just the typical male pretension that everything is fine. In this movie, it’s the exact opposite. Mr. Fisher’s dramatic face in the movie is a clear proof of that. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais To cast a person as charismatic as Colin Firth in ordinary comedies as the main protagonist is almost a sin. Especially considering that his direct romantic moves in Bridget Jones's Diary, let alone in Love Actually, are noticeably different. Here, one can lightly smile at the pleasant small-town atmosphere until a slightly surprising plot twist, which precisely divides the film in half, but once Minnie Driver appears, nothing can be expected but one cliché after another, without any welcomed refreshment (the eccentric Oliver Platt really doesn't suffice). Only thing left is to dreamily look at the screen and contemplate what it would be like if such a lovely little light, like Heather Graham, decided to undress in front of me just out of joy. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A routine romantic comedy working with the tried-and-true platitude that sexy Englishman from London Colin (Colin Firth) is sure to impress in rural American Hope Springs. Especially when he's heartbroken. There are a few humorous ideas here (including the casting of Frank Collison), but overall it's a purely relaxing affair - perfect for winding down after a weekend lunch when you're only minimally likely to think about logic. Heather Graham retrained to be the blonde next door after her role in From Hell, and her creations in Miss Conception and, for example, Gray Matters, are unrecognizable. Minnie Driver seems to be equally lax in her acting development, but who cares, this is a phenomenon named Colin Firth, right, ladies? ()