
  • États-Unis The Disobedient (titre de festival)


As children, Leni and Lazar were best friends. They lived in a world of their own, with its rituals. Then Lazar left, and returned as a grown man. Leni now works as a pharmacist; she has brief affairs and doesn't know what to do with her life. Perhaps a little shared misbehaviour to break with convention will help the pair to bridge their years of separation. With no particular aim, and no rules, they take off on their bikes together, travelling through the sun-baked countryside to the sound of Serbian hits from long ago. They lark about, argue, make some mischief but, most of all, create confusion between themselves which not even the perceptive narrator can fathom during his regular interventions in the story. Director and producer Mina Đukić́'s feature film debut offers an impressionistic view of a relationship which, rather than words, is more about gestures and the shared experience of escaping the provincial tedium. The rebellious playfulness is supported by unusually sharp cuts, an imaginative narrative and incisive lensing. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


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français The Disobedient est le type de film pour lesquels discuter des personnages ou de l'intrigue n'a pas de sens. Celle-ci n'existe pratiquement pas - une histoire simple sur les efforts d'un jeune couple serbe pour aller à contre-courant et retrouver leur enfance composée d'épisodes très isolés. Le duo central est composé de fous peu sympathiques et imprévisibles, qui jouent ensemble un jeu psychologique étrange sans règles. Seuls l'environnement rural des Balkans et le corps sculpté de l'héroïne attirent l'attention dans ce road movie basé sur la poésie, les émotions et l'esthétique de l'image, sinon c'est plutôt inutile et peu accueillant pour le public. Pour un message aussi simple que celui qu'il communique, il prend vraiment beaucoup de temps et de manière peu attractive. ()