
L'inspecteur Harry Bosch apprend que le bureau du procureur examine de nouvelles preuves qui menacent d'annuler une ancienne affaire, mettant potentiellement en péril toutes les autres affaires de condamnations de Bosch. Pendant ce temps, un vol doublé d'un meurtre dans une pharmacie locale révèle un réseau d'opioïdes et entraîne Bosch sur une voie dangereuse. (Amazon Prime Video)


Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The first episode of the fifth season was definitely not a failure, so I was able to rate it with mild above-average. However, I was a little disappointed that the creators once again decided they could handle the plot better than the original author, and therefore took the story in a different direction. In the fourth season, their similar experimentation backfired, so I'm curious about what to expect this time. In conclusion, I must once again highlight the content of the episode, which TV Prima has blessed us with. By adding a few details, we have been given a complete script of the episode to explore. "Good job," Primáci! ()