
Alors que Billets affiche les nouvelles assignations des inspecteurs de la Criminelle d'Hollywood, Bosch élabore un plan pour arrêter Mickey Peña, arrestation qui a de graves conséquences. Billets, de son côté, marque des points et Maddie prend une décision concernant son avenir. (Amazon Prime Video)

Critiques (1)

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anglais I did like the finale, even though I found some things difficult to process because the creators let their imaginations run wild. Well, who cares? After all, it's not a realistic series, so I ignore some things. I must admit that I was worried about the final episode because I wasn't sure if the creators would return to the unconvincing performance from the beginning of the series. It turned out that my concerns were unnecessary because they decided not to lower the bar that was raised after the third episode. / Lesson learned: Deals with murderers make me angry. ()