
  • États-Unis Bosch
Bande-annonce 3
États-Unis, (2014–2021), 52 h 11 min (Durée : 39–52 min)


Michael Connelly (livre)


Jesse Voccia


Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Lance Reddick, Madison Lintz, Mimi Rogers, Paul Calderon, Sarah Clarke, Troy Evans, Gregory Scott Cummins (plus)
(autres professions)

Saisons(7) / Épisodes(68)


Harry Bosch (Titus Welliver), un inspecteur de Los Angeles est poursuivi en justice pour avoir tué un tueur en série. L'affaire du meurtre d'un petit garçon force Bosch à affronter son passé. Julia Brasher (Annie Wersching), recrue audacieuse, lui tape dans l'œil, et ses relations avec sa hiérarchie se compliquent. Bosch veut à tout prix rétablir la justice. (Amazon Prime Video)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Necrotongue pour cette série (75)

Reine de martyrs (2016) (S02E09) 

anglais In the ninth episode, the same applies as in the previous ones, there is no major action, and yet I can't tear myself away from the screen. Obviously, I can't criticize the series for anything, so I can only write that I had a great time again. ()

Maintenant ou jamais (2016) (S02E10) 

anglais The creators served me a nicely elaborated final episode of the second season. Hieronymus Bosch, with his characteristic style, meticulously develops from the initial frustration to the final frustration with this piece. In my comment on the eighth episode, I mentioned the Cimrmanesque shrapnel, which was used again this time, but in this case, very literally. ()

Season 3 (2017) (S03) 

anglais Season 3 left a little to be desired, and I consider it the weakest one so far. I was looking forward to the grim atmosphere of the previous seasons as well as a good dose of suspense, but I was put on a strict diet this time. The story had atmosphere, but not as powerful, and there was practically no tension. I didn’t like that the ending was hurried to provide enough time to set the stage for the next season. I'm not saying I was bored. Not at all. I was just looking forward to a magnificent feast and only got a vegetarian portion. ()

Ceux qui tombent (2017) (S03E01) 

anglais Detective Hieronymus Bosch is back in full force, buried under a mountain of work and still struggling with his occasional outbursts. It seems like a promising start to the new season. ()

Dieu te voit (2017) (S03E02) 

anglais In the second episode, the creators are still keeping things a bit low-key, but I'm starting to recognize their signature style of weaving multiple seemingly unrelated storylines that, as expected, will likely converge perfectly. I'm already excited to see how it all comes together. ()

Comme un doute (2017) (S03E03) 

anglais Things are slowly starting to pick up. We're beginning to see parts of the hidden picture, and the series is regaining that familiar Bosch vibe from the previous seasons. I'm genuinely intrigued by the mystery and can't wait to see how everything fits into the story. ()

El Compadre (2017) (S03E04) 

anglais A fascinating episode, full of subtle and not-so-subtle threats, giving the third season a paranoid edge. Everyone's investigating everyone else, while Chief Irving is just chilling and setting up a date. Bosch's relentless pursuit is forcing his adversaries to take direct action, hinting that the upcoming episodes will be more intense. ()

Sharkey (2017) (S03E05) 

anglais love the show, but I have to admit, this season's atmosphere isn't as perfect as the previous ones, and it's really lacking in tension. I was hoping this episode would finally pick up the pace, but it didn't quite get there. I'm not saying it was bad — far from it — but it could use a bit more excitement. ()

Ce que les gens pensent (2017) (S03E06) 

anglais Much like the previous episode, the investigation uncovered more pieces of the puzzle. The performances, both on and off camera, were solid and professional, keeping me engaged. However, it still lacked that extra spark. I’m holding out hope for something that will really kick the story into high gear. ()

Les Deux Frères (2017) (S03E07) 

anglais It’s disappointing because my complaints remain the same as with the previous episodes. The creators still haven’t nailed the right atmosphere, and the lack of tension is really noticeable. ()

Le Son d'un fusil (2017) (S03E08) 

anglais The episode continues with a rather sluggish pace, expanding the story rather than pushing it forward. So far, the creators have skillfully avoided building tension, though they did let it slip slightly towards the end, which I appreciated. However, I was disappointed by Jerry Edgar's foolish actions. ()

D'un secret à l'autre (2017) (S03E09) 

anglais The plot was definitely more engaging, and the story finally started moving forward again, but it still didn't quite reach five-star territory. I've given five stars twice this season, hoping the creators would deliver a real knockout, but this time I'm holding back and waiting for the finale to see if they can truly pull it off. ()

D'outre tombe (2017) (S03E10) 

anglais Even in the finale, the creators couldn't quite surpass their previous efforts, failing to match the quality of earlier seasons. The third season essentially wrapped up in the first half of the tenth episode, with the second half focusing on setting up the fourth season. I feel a bit let down by this approach. 4*- ()

Season 4 (2018) (S04) 

anglais I consider Season 4 to be the weakest one so far. There was no trace of the great atmosphere that Bosch started off with. Action scenes were very sparse, and the pace of the story was sometimes too slow. Just like before, the creators focused on the personal lives of the protagonists, but unlike in the previous seasons, they lapsed into melodrama, and Maddie's storyline in particular often slowed down the plot. Too bad that the writing doesn't stick to Connolly's books more, I think it would do the series a lot of good. ()

Demande à la poussière (2018) (S04E01) 

anglais I gave this episode a cautious four stars. The plot was quite interesting, and it was clear from the start that Detective Hieronymus Bosch wouldn't be short on work anytime soon. However, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of the rich atmosphere that marked the first season, and the tension didn’t quite hit the mark. 4*- ()

Fatal funiculaire (2018) (S04E02) 

anglais It feels like the writer's muse took off to parts unknown and never came back. When I read Connelly's books, I can't put them down. But while watching this second episode, my mind wandered to a million other things. The slow pace, lack of action, and missing atmosphere made it all too easy to get distracted. ()

Pomme pourrie (2018) (S04E03) 

anglais Hmm, it looks like a quality crime series has turned into a pandering, politically correct brainwash. This is happening way too often for my taste, and I really don't get why everything good has to be turned into propaganda. ()

Les Vies passées (2018) (S04E04) 

anglais I didn't see that twist coming — the death of a character really brought the episode back to the level where Bosch had me hooked. However, I'm worried that the rest of the season will shift back to racial issues, sidelining the investigation. I really hope that doesn’t happen. ()

En eaux troubles (2018) (S04E05) 

anglais The fifth episode wasn't bad, but it lacked pacing, tension, and atmosphere. It's a real shame the script doesn't stick closer to Connelly's books. ()

Ébullition (2018) (S04E06) 

anglais Things finally picked up and the episode had me hooked. It still wasn't the Bosch from the first season, but at least I was entertained and not bored. ()