La Beauté du diable

  • Italie La bellezza del diavolo (plus)


Méphisto, envoyé par Lucifer, entre en contact avec Henri Faust, éminent professeur arrivé au terme de sa vie, afin de lui voler son âme. Il lui offre jeunesse, gloire et richesse pour, un jour, tout lui retirer brusquement. Henri, désireux de tout reconquérir signe alors un pacte avec l'enfer. Il obtiendra finalement le salut de son âme grâce à l'amour d'une jeune bohémienne, tandis que Méphisto, abandonné par son maître, sera livré à la foule en colère. (Gaumont)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The film appeared on TV several times in the 80s as a representative of old French cinema, and each time it was a cinematic event for me. This Faustian comedy simply has flair and elegance. René Clair added briskness and witty dialogues. Michel Simon was the perfect, charismatic devil, and Gérard Philipe was an incredibly likable Faust, so I always forgave them even the happy ending... Overall impression: 80%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An entertaining variation on Faust that is really nice with that French light humor, where it's not exaggerated at all, leaning towards drama rather than comedy. This is not supposed to be a slapstick, this is supposed to be a film that says something, that shows what people are like and what they are capable of doing when they have the opportunity. ()