
L'hypnotiseur Jervis Tetch fait appel à Gordon pour retrouver sa soeur Alice. De son côté, le Pingouin décide de se présenter aux élections municipales. Le double de Bruce provoque quelques troubles dans la ville... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais There was a significant improvement compared to the previous episode, but there were still quite a few shortcomings. No one has mentioned yet that Jim has a titanium skull, otherwise, I don't understand how he could have stayed conscious after that home run hit. Jim Gordon is also involved in another matter, I haven't seen a stranger rescue of a person hanging over a precipice yet. The conclusion of this action was especially entertaining. On the other hand, Penguin's arrival for Nygma was absolutely perfect. ()