10.000 Km

  • Espagne Long Distance (titre de festival) (plus)
Bande-annonce 1


Deux personnes qui s'aiment, deux appartements - un à Barcelone et l'autre à Los Angeles, deux ordinateurs et une connexion internet et les images de leur passé, présent et futur. L'amour peut-il survivre à 10000 km ? (Chapeau Melon Distribution)

Critiques (1)

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anglais Yeah, that's kind of how long-distance relationships really work. Communication via chat, webcam and social media will never fully replace physical contact. The authenticity of Long Distance cannot be denied, and it was helped by the very convincing performances of Natalie Tena and David Verdaguer. But alas, the longer the two were miles apart, the more bored I got. It was only their sudden meeting at the very end of the movie that brought some excitement. (60%) ()