Alice Cooper, monstrueusement rock !

  • Canada Super Duper Alice Cooper
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Propulsé au rang de superstar à la fin des années 1960, Vincent Damon Furnier, alias Alice Cooper, a connu dans les décennies suivantes une période de décadence et d'extravagances liée à un statut lourd à porter. Lors d'un concert, désormais devenu célèbre, l'artiste au boa constricteur s'en prendra notamment à un poulet – qui finira en charpie – jeté sur scène par un fan. L'équivalent, en quelque sorte, de la chauve-souris d'Ozzy Osbourne. Au travers d’images d'archives mémorables et de la participation de guests d'exception comme Pamela Des Barres, Bob Ezrin, Elton John, Wayne Kramer, John Lydon, Iggy Pop, Dee Snider et Bernie Taupin, ce documentaire flamboyant retrace le parcours atypique d'un leader charismatique et scandaleux. Le film regorge d'interviews audio inédites du chanteur, ainsi que de son agent légendaire, Shep Gordon. (Arte)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Compared to the utterly useless documentary God Bless Ozzy Osbourne, Super Duper Alice Cooper has one major bonus, which is how it maps the musical underground of the late sixties and early seventies, in which I was almost surprised at how unconventional Alice Cooper sounded at the time, even if they ended up moving into the primitive eighties hey hey rock (though I have to admit that "I'm Eighteen" is the bomb). And yet the mere glimpse of a time when the ugliest men in the world were boredly ripping apart the prettiest girls west of the Mississippi is actually satisfaction enough to justify watching incompetent and not particularly interesting alcoholics robbing their mothers' closets. The documentary itself undermines any credibility with horrible montages of photographs, as if the filmmakers had just discovered some new editing program, and we can only speculate whether the things we see in the photographs were actually happening when it was taken, given such a manipulated result; still, it is gratifying to learn from the filmmakers that by '83 the character of Alice Cooper had ceased to be of any interest, even though he continues to perform with success to this day. In doing so, they subtly reveal that the whole 80s musical storm was not only visually but also musically a total sham. If only the same could finally reach all the filthy Queens. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I've never seen a music documentary as riveting as this. Alice Cooper is an incredible artist! It boggles my mind that he managed to survive all the madness he experienced. And as if that wasn't enough, he currently ranks among the biggest laid-back rock personalities I know. Vincent Furnier has my great admiration and respect. Hats off to his indomitable will to follow his dream. (100%) ()