
Starring Hayley Lu Richardson and Booboo Stewart (X-Men: Day's of Future Past, Twilight), The Last Survivors follows two teenagers battling to survive in a vast and barren valley, where it has not rained for ten years. As the rain dried up, the rules of society simply blew away, leaving them to single-handedly fight off a gang of bloodthirsty mercenaries, hell-bent on seizing their most precious possession, a small water-bearing well. (Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment)


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anglais A pretty good premise, but one that foreshadows a post-apocalyptic film that may not resonate with everyone. But a world where water doesn't rain is simply a brilliant idea and promises that the struggle for survival could be quite harsh. It’s not. This is more of an attempt at a poetic, less action-packed approach, which even the finale doesn't really save. Perhaps just a little bit. ()