
  • Grande-Bretagne Hellions

VOD (1)


Teenage Dora (Chloe Rose) must survive a Halloween night from hell when malevolent, pint-sized trick-or-treaters come knocking at her door. She gives them candy but these little hellions want more... much more. You see, they've discovered Dora is pregnant and they want the life growing in her belly. Alone and under siege, Dora must protect herself and her unborn child as these homicidal pranksters hack, slash and chop their way through walls, doors and passers-by. (Monster Pictures)


Vidéo (1)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Un fouillis onirique dans lequel rien n'a de sens et rien ne fonctionne, ni du point de vue de la tension, ni du point de vue « fantasy ». De plus, avec le pire visuel possible, colorisé à moindre coût avec des filtres et censé lui donner une atmosphère unique. Et une bande son électronique de mauvais goût. Tomber enceinte à dix-sept ans doit être psychiquement déprimant et perturbant, mais cette représentation cinématographique très bon marché d'un tel état constitue vraiment une tentative ratée. À moins que vous ne planiez tous les jours sous LSD ou avec des champignons. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This experience is hard to describe, but the predominant impression is something between fascination, interest and facepalm. The closer it gets to the ending, the worse things are. The beginning is not too shabby, though, McDonald delivers a pretty creative and scary picture, which unfortunately crumbles in his hands after some time. The moment it switches to… well, actually, I don’t know what that was exactly, some sort of dream reality, perhaps?… you loose the bearings of the plot and the rules that apply to it. On top of that, there are so many approaches at play and they could result in anything from a brutal home invasion or a poetic feeling, to a bizarre surrealist thing, but all those things together are actually weird. In any case, Hellions has a couple of interesting scenes and the film is worth watching to make your own opinion. It’s certainly one of the most interesting new things around, even if I’m far from an explicit compliment. ()


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