
Un groupe d'explorateurs plus différents les uns que les autres s'aventurent au cœur d'une île inconnue du Pacifique, aussi belle que dangereuse. Ils ne savent pas encore qu'ils viennent de pénétrer sur le territoire de Kong... (Warner Bros. FR)

Vidéo (20)

Bande-annonce 11

Critiques (12)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Une version abrégée du film avec tous les « waouh » se trouve à côté dans la section vidéos. Cela s'appelle « Bande-annonce ».  Scénario à 5 balles. Godzilla était un film sombre et stylé, Kong est une gelée colorée. Pas une seule émotion ni aucune tension. Le singe entre en scène très rapidement, mais le moment de surprise est tué par les bandes annonces. Même chose en ce qui concerne l'émerveillement devant les monstres que nous avons déjà tous vus dans le trailer. Dommage. L'effort pour recréer l'atmosphère des mondes perdus des années 50 et 60 est présent et la performance d'Hiddleston (cela aurait fonctionné avec Brie Larson dans un meilleur scénario) et de John C. Reilly en vieux baroudeurs est le point culminant du film. Seul Samuel Jackson ne sait pas ce qu'il fait ici dans la peau de son militant  fanatique, son personnage fonctionnerait mieux en boucher à la Stephen Lang d'Avatar. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais You won't find a more fun adventurous expedition. Kong; Skull Island has the advantage of having a very good cast, something that can't be said much about competing blockbusters. Tom Hiddleston is a likable hero, Oscar-winning actress Brie Larson adds pizzazz, Samuel L. Jackson is once again a great psychopath, and even the wisecracking John C. Reilly is impressive. The biggest plus is the visuals of the breathtaking island and the monsters, whose appearance is one of the best we've seen so far. The spider scene is begging for a horror sequel, and it's a shame that the ants don't make an appearance. The biggest highlight is the final fight with Kong and the giant lizard, which was very spectacular. What disappointed a little that they didn't show more monsters, I believe this island had a lot to offer and the film runs out of breath halfway through, with the viewer just waiting for the finale. I was surprised that the film was quite gritty and uncompromising in places, I was amazed at how many kids were sitting in the auditorium. Personally, I wouldn't take kids to see it. The post-credit scene is a nice touch. 85%. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I have an idea. Let's make another version of King Kong, but this time in a Vietnam War style. - All right, what's it going to be about? - That giant ape. - Wait, but the story... - Yeah, the story, it's secondary. If we don't know, we'll put Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin in there and some silhouettes in the backlight. - Isn't that too little? - No! We'll put Samuel L. Jackson in there, too. He will always say some awfully deep things and look like a crazy Maca Wind. Something between Colonel Kurzt and Captain Ahab, but blacker. - Okay, but what if it has runtime of almost two hours? – Then we’ll put a lot of useless characters in there who can be eaten by some giant beast. - Fine, sounds fun, green light. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Kong: Skull Island is very different than it is presented in trailers. It has much closer resemblance to a classic adventure film, and those expecting the seriousness and maturity hinted at in the trailers will not find it. That said, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, an debutant blockbuster director, occasionally delivers some very nice shots and handles the epic monster battles flawlessly, and there are more of them than you would expect. Unfortunately, when Kong disappears from the scene and it comes to the human characters, it becomes significantly worse. For a moment, the film tackles Samuel L. Jackson's war traumas from Vietnam very seriously (and quite impressively), only to change into John C. Reilly's comedic relief the next minute. And in the meantime, a boring Loki and a bunch of other people run around, whom you really won't care about. Overall, it's okay, but I won't deny a slight disappointment. I suppose I'll watch a compilation of the battles at most in a year, but the entire film will be quite difficult. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I was looking forward to a great chillout that was alluring me with its premise, digital effects and a mix of actors that under usual circumstances cannot disappoint. In this case the biggest problem lies in the fact that the scriptwriter didn’t properly work out the individual characters, so the only interesting one is Samuel L. Jackson, who really acts, and John C. Reilly, who has some cool lines here and there. Otherwise it’s a military slasher in a similar vein like the legendary Predator, the only difference is that nobody in this movie is able to hold a candle to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Catchphrases are missing, even the whole spirit of the movie is missing, so it is just another mediocre digital film from Hollywood. ()

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