Ekamath eka rateka

  • États-Unis One Upon a Time
? %
Sri Lanka, 2009, 105 min


Sanath Gunathilake


Sanath Gunathilake


Sanath Gunathilake


Based on the story Pour une nuit d'amour written by the Emile Zola. The young ravishing girl descending from a wealthy and noble family, whose strong character and the strange behavior makes her parents unhappy. The parents decide to send her abroad to do her studies and also intending that their daughter will be well disciplined. The daughter and the nanny's son who becomes a lawyer later on with the help of the noble family, had a strong friendship during their childhood. The parents are trying to find a suitable partner to their young daughter who has come back after completing her studies. During this time, the daughter and nanny's son are falling in love. (Moscow International Film Festival)
