Mange tes morts

  • Pays-Bas Mange tes morts (plus)
Bande-annonce 2

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Jason Dorkel, 18 ans, appartient à la communauté des gens du voyage. Il s'apprête à célébrer son baptême chrétien alors que son demi-frère Fred revient après plusieurs années de prison. Ensemble, accompagnés de leur dernier frère, Mickael, un garçon impulsif et violent, les trois Dorkel partent en virée dans le monde des « gadjos » à la recherche d'une cargaison de cuivre. (Capricci Films)


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anglais The absence of initiation ceremonies is stated as one of the causes of the growing infantilism of post-industrial society. In the Western world, there is no crucial event that would distinctly separate the childhood phase of one’s life from the adulthood phase. The French drama Eat Your Bones conversely introduces us to one of the last surviving communities that do not underestimate the importance of initiation rituals and continue to hold out against the formative influence of civilisation. With all of the risks associated with such traditionalism. ___ The plot takes on its specific outline only gradually. During the first few minutes, we watch a single large family, whose members spend time hunting rabbits and stealing gasoline, without being incorporated into the story. From the dialogue, it gradually becomes apparent who carries what sort of past with them and the fragmented narrative begins to coalesce around the central heist, which, however, does not comprise the dramatic core of the film. The crime serves only to accelerate Jason’s process of growing up, which we watch almost in real time following the mosaic-like prologue. It is clear that the testosterone-fuelled night-time ride will be more important to the group of volunteer social renegades than their destination…or maybe not. ___ A heightened willingness to take risks is only one of the qualities that Hue takes note of in his study of male togetherness. The film’s protagonists are reminiscent of western cowboys with respect to the importance that they attached to totally unrestricted freedom. If the boy’s devout mother represents civilisation, Jason’s three cronies represent the wilderness. He gives a young associate lessons on survival in a world clearly divided into hunters and prey, while Frank would rather die than become a man who respects defined boundaries. For him, the highest value lies in not allowing himself to be constrained. ___ The open conclusion of the film indicates that the family heritage does not necessarily perish if it is enriched with new values. The ambivalence of opinion corresponds to the docu-realistic shooting style. The camera, clinging to the actors’ bodies, highlights the motif of intermale intimacy and close emotional ties, while also contributing to the intense feeling that we are witnesses to events that are happening as we watch. 65% ()