

Seiya Kanie est élève en Première au lycée d'Amagi. Une nouvelle élève, Isuzu Sento, l'emmène dans un parc d'attractions vétuste et lui révèle ses intentions : elle souhaite qu'il en devienne le nouveau directeur avec un objectif, le sauver de la faillite avant le 31 juillet. C'est une tâche dantesque qui attend Kanie, car les attractions tombent en ruine et les employés du parc forment un véritable club de bras cassés, entre la mascotte qui boxe les visiteurs, celle qui harcèle tout ce qui ressemble à une femme ou la chanteuse qui chante faux. (ADN)


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Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Amagi Brilliant Park is quite original, and I am not saying that just because I have never seen anyone ask someone out while pointing a gun in their face. This show is quite funny at times and has a certain cuteness. The main male protagonist is a relatively nice guy with many ideas and he can use all the available options to achieve his dream goal. He does not care too much about how he looks to others. The other characters are tolerable, if a bit weird at times, although eventually, even the Moffel mascot stopped bothering me. It certainly had a lot to offer and is quite easy to watch, although unfortunately, I did not feel moved or become deeply interested in the plot. Therefore, it was a pretty average experience overall with occasional enjoyable and funny moments. 5.5/10. ()

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