
Chat astucieux et intelligent, Francis emménage dans une nouvelle maison et découvre que les matous du quartier sont terrorisés par une série de meurtres. Des indices portent son attention sur un généticien qui a mis au point un sérum destiné à engendrer une race de chats "purs". Lors de son enquête, il rencontre une petite chatte héritière de l'ancienne race de chats à laquelle Pascal, un félin savant, semble très attaché. Chargé de transmettre son savoir à celui qu'il estime être supérieur, ce dernier porte son dévolu sur Francis... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Felidae is a film that primarily showcases the possibilities of animation and proves that animated movies are not just for children. If we only view them that way, it's a shame because animated movies for adults do exist and they are good. Felidae is a beautiful example of animators not being afraid of slightly grittier scenes but primarily working with a story that is good, suspenseful, sometimes scary, and perhaps even surprising. A great display of filmmaking ability. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The atmosphere in this movie is pretty good, the setting is also nice, and the main male protagonist is actually quite likable. It has quite an engaging narrative, too, mainly because of the main male protagonist's inner monologues, and I thought it actually suits the crime thriller storyline very well. The animation served the movie's content too, and I liked the soundtrack. I was also pleased that it was quite raw in places, and some scenes even gave me a bit of a chill. As far as the negative aspects go, the main thing that disappointed me was that I suspected the killer's identity practically from the first moment he met the main male protagonist. By the time a certain video came up, I was absolutely certain. I did not find the conclusion very surprising, although it was still interesting, suspenseful, and quite original. 7.5/10. ()