

« Bienvenue au bar Quindecim » C’est dans ce bar étrange ainsi baptisé que deux clients qui ne savent rien de ce lieu se retrouvent devant le gérant aux cheveux blancs, Decim. « Vous allez maintenant participer à un jeu où vous devrez jouer avec votre vie. » Ainsi sont-ils invités à participer au Death Game et à mettre à nu leur vraie nature. Un jeu dont Decim se révèle être l’arbitre. Mais quelles règles cet arbitre va-t-il énoncer ? (ADN)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Jeoffrey pour cette série (1)

Death Parade (2015) 

anglais Death Parade is totally awesome. It has an interesting theme, good atmosphere, it is imaginative (and I really enjoyed reading reviews and speculations of other reviewers about how it actually turned out and why it was so). In the third episode, the anime’s creators are obviously no strangers to making shows touching and moving. I thought it was an awesome show due to the charismatic Decim and the way they gradually reveal the backstory of the mysterious brunette who assists him. Even the ending is good, in my opinion, and I liked it a lot. What is also awesome, in my view, and I have to give it a shout out, even though others have done it, is the opening, which, while it suits the overall feel of this anime series about as well as a laugh at a funeral, has a very nice piece of music. In conclusion, if I take all the anime series from this winter’s releases and subtract all the follow-ups (sequels, season two, etc.), then I can safely say that of the new anime series, Death Parade is clearly the best, in my opinion. So I will award it a well-deserved 9/10. ()