The Expanse

  • États-Unis The Expanse
Bande-annonce 1
Science-fiction / Drame / Mystère
États-Unis, (2015–2022), 46 h 56 min (Durée : 40–63 min)


Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby


Daniel Abraham (livre), Ty Franck (livre)


Clinton Shorter


Steven Strait, Dominique Tipper, Wes Chatham, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Cas Anvar, Frankie Adams, Cara Gee, Thomas Jane, Shawn Doyle, Nadine Nicole (plus)
(autres professions)

Saisons(6) / Épisodes(62)


La disparition d'une riche jeune femme devenue activiste, Julie Mao, relie les vies de l'inspecteur de Cérès Joe Miller (Thomas Jane), le capitaine d'un vaisseau James Holden (Steven Strait) et la politicienne Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo). Dans un contexte de hautes tensions entre la Terre, Mars et la Ceinture, ils révèlent la plus grande conspiration de tous les temps. (Prime Video)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Necrotongue pour cette série (69)

Réfugiés (2017) (S02E08) 

anglais The plot was packed with events, and the atmosphere, action, and tension were all on point. The only thing that threw me off was why all the refugees from Ganymede look like they come from a remote Asian village. I get it, they were growing soybeans there, but still... ()

Le Somnambule en pleurs (2017) (S02E09) 

anglais I enjoyed the negotiations between the UN and the Martians, and the action with the "Somnambulist" on Ganymede was great too. However, I can't shake the feeling that both storylines deserved their own episodes. As it stands, it felt like the creators were short on time and ended up rushing both plotlines a bit. ()

La Cascade (2017) (S02E10) 

anglais Errinwright made things on Earth more interesting, and Sergeant Draper channeling the Count of Monte Cristo was a fun touch. The happenings on Ganymede were also engaging. The pacing on Earth could've been a bit quicker, but overall, I was satisfied. ()

Ici demeurent les Dragons (2017) (S02E11) 

anglais Even with multiple storylines running, including Ganymede and Venus, the most interesting action happened on Earth. Bobbi proved she's a total badass — while others would need weeks to acclimate, she was already sprinting like a pro Earther. ()

Ecoute ton coeur (2017) (S02E12) 

anglais Episode twelve didn't really do it for me. The hybrid chase through the wrecked greenhouse dragged on, and the selection of 52 passengers felt overly melodramatic. What saved it were Errinwright's thriller plot and the Avasarala-Mao meeting. Also, threats like "I have your corvette and I'm not afraid to use it!" lack a solid foundation. ()

La Guerre de Caliban (2017) (S02E13) 

anglais A pretty good episode, though not without its flaws. The constant last-minute rescues are getting really tiring. Trying to build tension this way feels super naive. Despite that, I still had a good time. ()

Season 3 (2018) (S03) 

anglais To my delight, Season 3 was even better than the previous season. It seems to me that the creators are improving with each new season, which is not often the case. This season had everything I want in a sci-fi, and I decided to graciously ignore those few minor shortcomings. With the exception of one episode, I actually didn't mind Bobbie who irritated me in the previous season. In the second half of the season, I missed Chrisjen Avasarala. The Razorback did quite a number on her, and the Ring would probably have finished her off anyway:-) I was very satisfied, I really enjoyed the series and I’m secretly hoping the next one will be just as good. ()

Fuir ou se battre (2018) (S03E01) 

anglais The start of the third season was fantastic. Errinwright finally got his way, and the declaration of war really amped up the tension (and the vacuum). The creators built up the suspense well, and the situations on both ships were more than interesting. There wasn't a dull moment. ()

Ami ou ennemi (2018) (S03E02) 

anglais The plot had me on the edge of my seat, Chrisjen Avasarala stole every scene, and I even managed to overlook Bobbie Draper’s moments this time. ()

Destruction assurée (2018) (S03E03) 

anglais I won't lie, I noticed a few imperfections, and Bobbie's swagger was so over-the-top she could barely fit through doorways. But those were just minor quibbles. What really mattered was that the plot was engaging, the story made sense, and it maintained a great atmosphere and tension. ()

Recharger (2018) (S03E04) 

anglais I'm cautiously optimistic that this might be the best season yet. There was plenty of action, but the creators thankfully didn't forget the political intrigue that's captivated me since the start. The quality actually keeps improving, which is the opposite of what usually happens with other shows. ()

Triple point (2018) (S03E05) 

anglais I'm not a fan of sappy stories, and Naomi's felt a bit forced, like the writer was trying to restore her original glory in one go. But that wasn't enough to dock a star. Everything else worked perfectly, and I really enjoyed it. ()

Immolation (2018) (S03E06) 

anglais Just when I praised the creators in my last review, they delivered an even better episode. I could really get used to this level of quality. This episode was so well done, it felt like a season finale. Great plot and an even better ending — too bad I can't give it six stars. ()

Delta-V (2018) (S03E07) 

anglais Back to reality — I almost felt disappointed. Too much happened off the radar, and the events on the Rocinante and the Behemoth didn’t excite me. What saved it from just a three-star rating were the humorous moments with record-holder Manéo and Amos, who hilariously turned down proposal after proposal. ()

Il entre en contact (2018) (S03E08) 

anglais The eighth episode kept me glued to the screen. The atmosphere was fantastic, the tension kept building, and the plot was packed with events. This is exactly how I imagine quality sci-fi — I couldn't help but enjoy every moment. ()

Intransigeance (2018) (S03E09) 

anglais The previous episode set the bar so high that the ninth one felt a bit weaker in comparison. Personally, I wasn't thrilled with the detours into the Mao family's history, which slowed down the plot. On the bright side, Amos's contribution was fantastic — his emergency communication channel was spot-on. ()

Nouveau ciel (2018) (S03E10) 

anglais This episode is a must-watch for any sci-fi fan — it had me practically squealing with delight. Everyone finally got together beyond the ring, and now the real show can begin. ()

Inertie (2018) (S03E11) 

anglais There was a slight drop in pace and tension, but I’m not complaining. I was never bored, and I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation in the Behemoth's storage room — there couldn't have been a more interesting pair of characters trapped together. ()

Congrégation (2018) (S03E12) 

anglais Klaes Ashford stole the show, shining from James Holden's interrogation to his cunning plan. I expected more action and tension for the penultimate episode, but the event-packed plot convinced me to give it a full five stars. ()

La Porte d'Abaddon (2018) (S03E13) 

anglais The creators pulled out all the stops for the season finale. The atmosphere was fantastic, the tension built perfectly, and the final resolution was spot on. ()