VOD (1)


Frustrée par les méthodes de Geralt, Ciri brave d'importants obstacles pour prouver sa valeur. Entre complots et suspicion, Yennefer devient la cible de la Confrérie. (Netflix)

Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais I'm rather underwhelmed by the second season so far, to say the least. There's been a severe lack of meaningful dialogue. Sure, there were discussions, but nothing of substance seemed to happen. It felt like empty chatter, thrown in just to meet the required number of episodes for the series. Now, I don't mind a good, long debate. But it has to be full of intrigue and manipulation, with a clear goal in mind. And I found it to be lacking. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Everything is clear, direct, striking. So far, the profile is completely different from the first season. The training of Ciri is great, her indomitable spirit is a bit reminiscent of Daenarys from GoT. The Witcher and his guardian instincts, and of course the unpredictable Yennefer, and the well-made monsters. It's not a total gem, or perfect craftsmanship, but so far it has more appeal to the non-hardcore fan than the first season. Carry on. ()