
Janka finally has the life of her dreams. Mira wants to go abroad with Oszi, but her plans are banjaxed. Márk can avoid prison if he turns squealer. Attila also has a tough choice - which is stronger, friendship or his lust for revenge? (HBO Nordic)

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anglais While some events in this episode might have seemed far-fetched, I found the plot quite believable. Particularly, the conclusion of the seventh episode confirmed a rule I had figured out years ago: when a group of people with tendencies towards idiocy gathers at a certain moment in a certain place, someone will end up paying for it. The Hungarian creators crafted an interesting plot, well-drawn characters, and a decent atmosphere. The only reason why I'm not giving it five stars is because the previous episode felt more intense. / Lesson learned: Don't overestimate your abilities; you can't surround a larger group alone. 4*+. ()