

De nos jours, des esprits monstrueux viennent parfois semer le trouble sur Terre. Appelés les « Impurs », ils surgissent d’un univers parallèle intitulé « Magano ». Pour les combattre, des exorcistes (ou Onmyôji) sont chargés de les purifier. Rokuro Enmadô est un collégien qui possède toutes les capacités pour devenir un grand Onmyôji, mais il reste traumatisé par un événement lié à ses pouvoirs. C’est alors qu’arrive Benio Adashino, une jeune fille présentée comme son étoile jumelle par une mystérieuse prophétie. Rokuro décide alors de reprendre le combat, porté par un esprit de vengeance... (Crunchyroll)


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anglais At first, this show did not strike me as very original. There is just another very strong main male protagonist (Rokuro Enmado) with a tragic past, this time exorcising "ghosts." Plus, there is a proud girl (Benio Adashino) who is a rival and a slightly crazy "boss," plus some good friends. I did not find the opening amusing, the disputes between the main couple were not very exciting, and the alternate world of Magano and individual evil spirits (Kegare) did not do much for me either. I found the boss's attempts to get the main couple together more silly than funny, and I still do not get why he had to give them the okay to move in together. However, as time goes on, it becomes clear that there is some potential, and the backstory of the main protagonists and how they are connected is pretty good, then it gets boring. There is some confrontation, and just when it could have been quite interesting, the premise runs out, and the filler arc kicks in. The filler is rather transparent, drawn-out, and unoriginal. However, it still has a pretty well handled emotional conclusion, and even though you can predict exactly how it will end, it all worked for me anyway, and I felt sad while reading the picture book of little Sae. Unfortunately, after this filler, which I enjoyed probably the most, it starts to get very meh, and the whole thing gets more and more tangled and drawn out. The weird thing is it looked more and more stereotypical and strange to me, and my interest waned. Some things happen without explanation and I see almost no character development in the main protagonists. There is always some other enemy that they try their "Twin Star tricks" on, get stuck in some horrible way, and then get pulled out of it by someone else much more capable. All of it is accompanied by a lot of supposedly dramatic dialogue and moments. However, it all fails to be dramatic as it gets quite repetitive. Oh, and after a while, it gets really boring, so suddenly even the big revelations are hardly shocking at all, and I got more and more bored as each second passed. Therefore I think this is a weak average. 4.5/10. ()