Les Proies

  • Canada Les Proies (plus)
Bande-annonce 2
États-Unis, 2017, 93 min (alternative 90 min)


Sofia Coppola


Thomas Cullinan (livre)


Sofia Coppola, Irene Kamp (scénario original) (plus)


Philippe Le Sourd
(autres professions)


Virginie, 1864. Aux abords d'un pensionnat de jeunes filles dépeuplé par la guerre de Sécession, qui fait rage depuis trois ans, la plus jeune des cinq élèves encore hébergées là, Amy, découvre en cherchant des champignons un caporal yankee blessé ayant déserté le front. Sur les exhortations de l'enfant, la directrice, Martha Farnsworth, qui est aussi l'héritière du domaine, accepte "par charité chrétienne" de soigner le fugitif et de le cacher, au moins temporairement, aux bataillons sudistes qui vont et viennent dans les environs. Dans cette petite communauté féminine coupée du monde et soudée par la discipline, la présence de l'intrus attise les désirs et, bientôt, les rancœurs. (Arte)


Critiques (13)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Kirsten Dunst has been in films under the direction of Sofia for two decades and each film is a delight. Now, for the first time, they've invited Nicole to join them. The result? A wonderful visual experience told at its own pace, with only diegetic music. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Un long métrage d'une heure et demie avec une intrigue peu dense. La retenue et l'innocence sont bien jouées (c'est-à-dire le désir sexuel endormi) de Kirsten Dunst à la manière victorienne ; et une autre excellente interprétation de Kidman en tant que chef de famille sont les seules choses qui m'ont intéressé ici. De nombreuses scènes ont fait rire la moitié du public (moi y compris). Sofia a oublié que le spectateur contemporain n'est pas l'un des protagonistes de son film, ni de son époque. Si un remake légitime était destiné au public actuel, cela aurait dû être fait par Guillermo del Toro. Et avec une bonne dose de ketchup. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Le film original de 1971 n'est pas un miracle, mais il est quand même bien meilleur. Il a une intrigue beaucoup plus riche, une représentation des personnages plus solide et contient également beaucoup plus de tension, de conflits entre les personnages et de tension sexuelle plus audacieuse. Même la conclusion était meilleure. Dans la nouvelle version, la réalisatrice n'a surtout pas réussi à tourner le film davantage du point de vue de ses personnages féminins, ce qui était probablement l'intention, et ensuite à transposer son atmosphère de pensionnat de jeunes filles très prude dans une époque contemporaine où apparaît soudainement une tentation interdite sous la forme d'un homme séduisant, ce qui fait que les spectateurs confondent probablement le film avec une comédie noire et réagissent en riant. L'histoire est moins profonde et moins dense par rapport à la version originale du film, les motivations des personnages ne sont pas suffisamment claires et même le casting de stars ne se rapproche pas de la première ligue. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Je l’ai regardé en cinq fois à peu près. Terriblement ennuyeux jusqu’à la mi-parcours, puis il y a un passage intéressant, mais qui ne dure pas plus de cinq minutes. Ensuite, un final légèrement dramatique. Et c’est tout. Un film sur rien et pour rien. Vu qu’il avait déjà été tourné, Sofia Coppola aurait pu consacrer ses efforts à un thème différent. Ici, c’est du gaspillage de temps. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Beguiled is a gentler, more sensual and more sophisticated take on Thomas Cullin’s novel than the film made by Don Siegel and Clint Eastwood in 1971. In the original film, the ruin of men was represented by jealous and vengeful women who were incapable of suppressing their lust. Therefore, I understand Sofia Coppola’s decision to rework the same subject matter so that the result would not be a film expressing male paranoia about female hysteria and in which Southern belles are defined solely by their sexuality (or lack thereof). Coppola dispensed with the broader historical context and replaced it with a timeless narrative about the battle of the sexes and girls coming of age. Similarly as in The Virgin Suicides and Marie Antoinette, she confines her female protagonists to a golden cage, which provides them with certain privileges but also prevents them from freely expressing their individual interests. This confinement is manifested also in The Beguiled in the disregard for the outside world, corresponding to the point of view of privileged white girls who are only interested in their own needs. Despite its seeming one-dimensionality and superficiality, The Beguiled is a layered, subversive and humorous film with an ambiguous message. 85% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais OK, gorgeous pictures, almost tableau vivant, fantastic natural lighting, charismatic cast, but I have to ask: WHY? There is a nice word for that - everything in this film is "underwritten". Characters and a story that moves forward through sharp reversals in the mood of a single male character. I get that Sofia wanted to change the perspective, but she failed. Deceived / Deceived / Deceived are too empty to offer material for subversion. In the end, it was best described by an American spectator who, when leaving the Cannes Palais de Cinema, said: COMPLETELY USELESS. I agree. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An hour-long wait for a peak that definitely isn't worth an hour-long wait. Lots of stolen glances, genuine curiosity, and suppressed emotions do all the heavy lifting for plot development that struck me as belonging in a different, significantly less successful film. The answers to the questions that interested me the most remained hidden behind silent female characters. Sofia Coppola is definitely losing her uniqueness. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The blue-coated fox in the Southern hen house. The residents are in an uproar and have established a waiting list for him, and it’s only a matter of time before the old lady is fed up. Outside, a lazy mist naturally flows around the Spanish moss, while inside, naturally lit diminishing restraint and everywhere, natural beings writhing with desire. Up to this point, Coppola still manages to hold the triumphs of atmosphere, but from the moment the polite soldier and model for an ice-cream ad turns into an aggressive maniac with a flick of a magical saw, it becomes something that even Colin Farrell can't salvage ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Sofia Coppola has always relied on emotion rather than historical epic, and this personal story of a woman's motivations and feelings is no different. The running time, the story, and the protagonists, dominated primarily by Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst, are in line with this. Colin Farrell's character has it all together in the middle of the film and then starts making incomprehensible and illogical (screenwriting) mistakes, which, given the leisurely build-up of the story, feels like a punch in the gut. Otherwise, the cinematography is great, as it should be in a historical drama, but one can't help feeling that some of the main characters' interactions feel like Coppola made this film with a nineteenth-century style. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais With its short runtime, the film doesn't have much chance to bore, but it felt pretty standard to me. It's a one-off that I enjoyed for an hour and a half, but it didn’t leave a lasting impression. The star-studded cast is the main draw, making it worth a watch, but the story itself wasn’t all that gripping. There were a few surprising moments, but nothing that made the film exceptionally impactful. I get the point and the message of the story, but it wasn’t strong enough for me to take away more than the feeling of having watched a decent film that I don’t need to revisit. I’d rather watch Misery again. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I didn't find the film worth a second watch. It was a truly unconventional take on the war between the North and the South. I wasn't bored, but I came pretty close. The plot definitely needed livening up. The only performance that stood out for me was Nicole Kidman’s, the others were just too bland. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Sofia Coppola made a visually captivating film in which there is not much to criticize in terms of styling, costumes and sets, helped by the actors who played their parts well. I especially liked Kirsten, who I thought was beautiful in the background, although she almost seemed dumb, which doesn't feel right for her, but she played it well. However, I’m not the least bit surprised when it comes to Nicole. ()