Le Passé ne meurt pas

  • Grande-Bretagne Easy Virtue


Larita Filton est jugée pour adultère. La presse à scandale se délecte de son histoire et contraint la jeune femme à s’exiler sur la Côte d’Azur. La vie semble reprendre le dessus: elle rencontre John Whittaker, un fils de bonne famille qui ne connaît rien de son passé et l’épouse. De retour en Angleterre, la jeune femme comprend que l’on n’efface pas son passé si facilement… (Festival International du Film de La Rochelle)


Critiques (1)

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anglais Strangely enough, I much prefer the modern remake with Colin Firth to this Hitchcock classic. This disparity was and is of course influenced by the quality of the version. Instead of watching the clenched drama of a woman who has lost her reputation twice, even a simple scene in a diner looks like something out of a horror movie, and one suspects rather than actually watches. On the second chance I gave the film, even the traditional experiment of accompanying a silent film with a musical experiment didn't help. This was because the music was once again completely unreflective of the film itself. ()