
L'émission consacrée à Roanoke a été un succès, ce qui pousse son producteur, Sidney à commander une suite, où seraient conviés acteurs et personnages réels. L'objectif de Sidney est de parvenir à faire inculper Lee du meurtre de Mason. La véritable Shelby Miller hésite à participer à ce programme... (Groupe Canal+)

Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais That twist, or rather, the way second half of the season was a total shift from the first half, is fantastic. But it would have been even better if the moron of Ryan Murphy hadn’t already announced it in the first episode through his PR interviews. When you know something should be coming, you figure out quite easily what the basic joke is about. Not that this was any major mindfuck, either. (In this sense, I prefer the alternative twist I made up, where I expected that the real Matt and Shelby had actually died and the filmmakers where interviewing their ghosts on the grounds of that accursed place.) So, the level of surprise of the sixth episode was a bit lower than I had hoped, but I adored the execution. I had a lot of fun with the interactions between diverse characters and, mainly thanks to that, I think it would’ve been no problem if the twist had come an episode or two earlier. The oppressive atmosphere could have held for a long time. The five stars are not for the spookiness (because in this regard, the sixth episode was rather an intermezzo), but for the playfully and convincingly executed concept. ()


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