
The documentary opens with conversations between the President of the Basque Socialist Party of the time, Jesús Eguiguren, and the leader of Batasuna, Arnaldo Otegi, at the Txillarre famouse in Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa), held from 2000 to 2004. They refer to the meetings between "Josu Ternera" and Eguiguren in Switzerland and to the different phases – for and against – that alternated in these conversations, with more journeys to Switzerland and Norway, while narrating the conversations with the nationalist left-wing, often with participation of the Basque Nationalist Party of Josu Jon Imaz and Íñigo Urkullu. The arrival to ETA of new military leadership with Francisco Javier López Peña, "Thierry", representative of the organisation's most radical branch, is on the point of undoing the progress achieved until then. (San Sebastian International Film Festival)
