
Sorjonen mène une des enquêtes les plus difficiles de sa carrière. Lorsqu'un des suspects est assassiné, le policier comprend qu'il doit agir vite. (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais This time around, the Finns didn't catch me off guard with their time games — I was ready for them. Unlike the beginning of the fifth episode, I didn't stumble through the plot. However, I did run into another issue. The entire story felt somewhat watered down to me; the investigation branched out too widely, and there were moments where I found myself not really invested in who did what to whom. Additionally, a real lunatic seemed to emerge from the Sorjonen family, so by the end, I was honestly relieved when the closing credits rolled. ()