Les Oiseaux, les orphelins et les fous

  • anglais Birdies, Orphans and Fools (titre de festival) (plus)


Quelque part en Slovaquie, après la guerre, Yorick, Andrej et Marta, trois orphelins, trois fous abandonnés, ne survivent que grâce à leur folie dans un monde insensé et laid. Ils vivent, jouent, aiment et haïssent ensemble. Mais leurs chemins vont finir par se séparer... (Malavida)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is exactly the type of movie that doesn't say anything to me. Maybe I am too rational, maybe I simply love stories too much, but this wild surrealism simply doesn't make sense to me. I didn't enjoy this film and I suffered through it, but I managed to watch it until the end. I don't want to see anything similar anymore. This is for others. ()

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