
A supersweet and exciting adventure in the making of films like "The Smurfs", "Tinkerbell" or "Arthur and the Minimoys"! The Troll Fenn hates it when his troll comrades are bored with boredom. In this way, he is also regularly raised, so that he decides to continue. However, when a park keeper, who has been eternally under the trolls of the trolls, begins to capture the annoying creatures, it is up to Fenn to save his family and friends ... (Daredo Media)


Critiques (1)

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Jeoffrey Boo !

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anglais The premise of this movie reminded me of the last Dreamworks movie, Trolls, so I figured why not give it a go even though I would not say I liked the original Trolls movie that much. I thought, "this could not be that much worse, and hopefully there is probably no singing...". Unfortunately, what my eyes have just seen is unparalleled. To tell the truth, releasing a movie in 2016 with this kind of animation seriously is something only a total fool (or The Asylum film production company) could afford to do. It is at least as bad visually as the Popee the Performer anime series, and that is saying something. The voices frequently have inaccurate synchronized timing; they do not directly match up with the characters' mouth movements at all. In addition, the characters are really badly animated against the backgrounds. For example, when the boy rolls around on the ground, it looks like he is swimming in the grass. And it looks this awful all the time. In conclusion, this movie is the height of amateurishness which is obvious in every frame, and I absolutely failed to see the point of it. If only the content was at least interesting, it was funny and had a decent soundtrack. However, there is just nothing to redeem this! I recommend avoiding this like the plague. 0/10. ()