
Slavek, un réparateur de télévisions, accompagne sa femme Ivana à la maternité. C'est leur premier enfant. Il retourne à son travail, y discute avec des gens de milieux divers, évoquant des moments vécus pendant la grossesse de sa femme. Dans la chambre des futures mamans, Ivana, elle aussi, revit des souvenirs. Le soir, Slavek se précipite à la maternité, et avant même d'arriver, entend les cris du nouveau-né. (Festival International du Film de La Rochelle)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Jaromil Jireš is one of those darlings that it would be great even if he were to record only a sentence or a simple sample for a film. The Cry is a charming film. After all, the theme of the young family is humorously portrayed in Kissing-Time Ninety, for example, so it's nice that here we have a gentle, empathetic solution for a change. And of course with the subtle satire in the side storyline about how today's generation is dancing the twist while the older generation was just broodingly reading French avant-garde. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The strongly expressive form, relying on static camera shots, unobtrusive editing, and a slow flow of long scenes in which very often "nothing happens," suits the simple plot about the (un)ordinary day in the life of a married couple. Set in contrast are the opposites of woman vs. man, her big day (giving birth) vs. his ordinary day (working as a repairman), relying solely on the power of the actors' performances, which are beyond reproach. Even though the film lacks a stronger plot, and many scenes are uncomfortably prolonged, it was never boring and left a strong impression as an extraordinary cinematic experience. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A realistic film whose story unfolds over the span of one seemingly ordinary day during which a young couple are about to become parents. Even though the two young people are separated for most of the day, they are constantly drawn together by a multitude of memories and flashbacks, not least by seemingly unsuccessful phone calls. Very interesting was the use of sound (or voice) and image, which corresponded to the experimental innovations of the Czechoslovak New Wave. In short, a film that stands out for its form and simple (not banal) story. ()