Oklahoma City

États-Unis, 2017, 102 min


Barak Goodman


Stephen McCarthy


David Cieri


Connie Chung (i.a.), David Koresh (i.a.)
(autres professions)


In 1995, the Oklahoma City bombing rocked the nation as the most deadly act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. Timothy McVeigh, convicted and executed for the crime in 2001, was a soldier, patriot, and war veteran. But a soldier is not supposed to crack. How McVeigh's patriotism transformed into radicalism is a vital and haunting question whose exploration has never been more relevant. (Sundance Film Festival)


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anglais I like that even in current times, some people show that terrorism isn't just the work of extremist groups of the Islamic faith, but also of other individuals who may not differ much from your neighbor. Even in terrorist attacks perpetrated by white individuals, many people can die, and a similar fanaticism is to blame. The film strives to be largely objective, but it doesn't quite succeed throughout. ()