
  • Grande-Bretagne Nails
Irlande, 2017, 85 min


Dennis Bartok


Dennis Bartok


James Mather


Ade Fenton
(autres professions)


After surviving a near-fatal accident, track coach and mother Dana awakens in hospital, paralysed and imprisoned in her own body. Whilst struggling to regain control of her life, Dana is confronted with a vindictive spirit; a terrifying presence called Nails, whom she is convinced exists inside her hospital room. Faced with scepticism from her husband, doctors and the staff, and believed to be suffering from a mental breakdown, Dana is left struggling to keep her grip on reality as the targeted attacks grow increasingly violent. To save her marriage and her life, Dana must find a way to convince her family that Nails is real before he succeeds in destroying her and everyone who stands in his way. (Kaleidoscope Film Distribution)


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