Un cas pour un bourreau débutant

  • anglais Case for a Rookie Hangman (plus)
Drame / Parabole
Tchécoslovaquie, 1969, 102 min


Pavel Juráček


Jonathan Swift (livre)


Pavel Juráček


Jan Kališ


Luboš Fišer


Lubomír Kostelka, Klára Jerneková, Slávka Budínová, Milena Zahrynowská, Pavel Landovský, Miroslav Macháček, Radovan Lukavský, Nataša Gollová (plus)
(autres professions)


Lemuel Gulliver, voyageur égaré, découvre, sur un lapin tout habillé renversé sur la route, une grosse montre à gousset, avec une inscription dédiée au prince Mounodi. Il se retrouve dans un pays mystérieux, Balnibarbi, où la logique des événements et des gens lui sont incompréhensibles. A l’Académie des Inventeurs, il devient un sujet d’étude ... controversé ! (Malavida)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A beautiful metaphor of absurd political domination and the fleeting consequences of our own existence, definitely one of the bravest and most formally unconventional films of Czech cinema. No need to add more... ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Pavel Juráček was primarily a screenwriter, but he also directed one of the most interesting films in Czech cinematic history. During a brief period of creative freedom, he made an imaginative allegory based on the famous novel "Gulliver's Travels," highlighting the absurdity of life in totalitarian Czechoslovakia. This film is not only a key work of Pavel Juráček, but also the most significant role of actor Lubomír Kostelka. The plot is not crucial; what matters is the atmosphere built on black humor, biting sarcasm, and immense exaggeration. The regime never forgave Juráček for his film, and things ultimately ended up very badly for him. If there is a cinematic work in the second half of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia that reflects Kafka's literary style based on absurdity, it is Case for a Rookie Hangman. Overall impression: 100%. ()