Most Beautiful Island

  • Grande-Bretagne Most Beautiful Island


The film follows a day in the life of illegal immigrant Luciana (Ana Asensio) as she struggles to survive in New York City. Unable to make enough money from her two jobs to pay the bills, Luciana turns to her Russian friend Olga (Natasha Romanova) for advice. She offers Luciana a mysterious opportunity to make some quick cash that night but when Luciana arrives at the specified location in a black cocktail dress, as instructed, she finds herself in a dark basement and ordered to stand with a group of like-minded desperate women who are selected one by one to enter into the next room to face an unknown fate. (Bulldog Film Distribution)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Le rêve américain sous la forme d'un thriller intimiste à petit budget qui ne comblera peut-être pas les attentes des spectateurs déviants, mais satisfera leur appétit le plus raffiné avec son suspense. Un bon début en tant que scénariste et réalisatrice pour une actrice qui est également tout le temps devant la caméra. [Sitges FF] ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The American movie Most Beautiful Island is a good example of low-budget independent movie production. It manages to create a decent storyline with non-actors and show that somewhere off-screen, things are happening that we probably do not need to see. Most Beautiful Island is not an explicit movie trying to be in your face, although it does reveal the unpleasant face of a society we would not wish to be a part of. ()