
Forty-year-old Luboš Cafourek is a plumber in the village of Tuchlovice near Prague. A man of eccentric habits, he is hardworking and honest and will happily tackle any job. He has no car, preferring to cycle to work, take the bus or get ferried to and from by his customers. He has no mobile phone either his mother takes all his calls, as well as doing all the cooking, shopping, washing, book-keeping and general running of the household. Luboš has an unexpected and wiby comment for every situation, but in practical and private manners he's quite hopeless. He never charges enough for his work, does jobs for his friends for free, and any money he does make goes on feeding stray cats and bettng. Faced with an unpleasant task, he'll say 'Later' or 'We'll see'. His attempts to start relationships with women always end in fiasco, but still his Mum keeps trying to fix him up with a partner... (Falcon)


Vidéo (6)


Critiques (6)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Personnellement, je trouve le tandem Vorel/Kohák si dissuasif que je me suis étonné moi-même quand j’ai mis ce film. Pour moi, et même s’il s’est ensuite rattrapé avec Vejška, Vorel s’est grillé quand il a sorti Gympl. Quant à Kohák, mon problème est que, dès que j’allume la télé, peu importe la chaîne, Kohák apparaît dans une émission de divertissement, dans une pub, une série… Je l’ai même croisé lors d’un événement international qui n’avait absolument rien à voir avec lui ! Cela étant dit, les deux hommes m’ont enchanté, car Instalatér z Tuchlovic est impeccable. Kohák colle parfaitement à son rôle. C’est le récit d’un homme tout à fait ordinaire qui a le cœur sur la main, est habile et se fait constamment rabâcher les oreilles par sa mère, incarnée par l‘excellente Holubová. Le final dérape légèrement vers le grotesque tragicomique, mais que voulez-vous, c'est du Vorel. D’accord, ce film ne révolutionne rien ni n’enchante les foules, mais moi, il me satisfait totalement. ()

Necrotongue Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Originally, I didn't want to watch the movie at all, then I reconsidered my decision and let myself waste an hour and a half of my life or something similar. I expected a simple and embarrassing comedy, but gradually I realized that I was watching a profound social drama that I couldn't intellectually comprehend. I can't judge the plot because it was missing in my copy, I didn't laugh once, instead I was bored and strangely ashamed without knowing why. I hope this creative team won't be able to find money for further production, but I already know that I hope in vain. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais How does Tomáš Vorel do it that in his movies normal Czech actors come across as if they had no acting skills at all? This is his standard through out all of his movies. Moreover this is even quite interesting in the case of The Good Plumber because it is used to poke fun at the life in countryside. The movie revolves around the plumber portrayed by Jakub Kohák whose tragicomical life points out all the countryside stereotypes you can come across. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais There is strength in simplicity - I don't mean that the main protagonist is somewhat simpler, but rather the simple yet powerful story that he lives through. This plumbing fairytale boasts mainly the sovereign Jakub Kohák (even if you think you're tired of seeing him, I bet you'll be very surprised here) and an aptly written script that seems that it creates a certain type of character and puts him in a box, because all those real world boxes really exist and it depends on the viewer if he or she knows about it. I appreciate that the film depicts rural dwellers neither as blunt rednecks nor as idyllically-living carefree aliens, but that it was able to find a pleasantly bitter compromise amongst those looks. It's the best Tomáš Vorel film I've seen. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In The Good Plumber, Tomáš Vorel portrays life in a village and its various inhabitants with all their pros and especially their cons quite credibly. Jakub Kohák probably did not have to prepare much for the leading role, because by his looks and speech he gives the impression of a village boor. Holidays by the pond, drinking, racist innuendos, domestic violence, dysfunctional family relationships - I think that more than one viewer will find themselves in these not entirely exaggerated scenes from the life of a (not) typical Czech. ()

Photos (42)