The Cured

  • Irlande The Third Wave (titre de travail) (plus)


Senan (Keeley) has been through hell. When the plague swept across Ireland he was among the thousands afflicted and rendered into rabid ghouls. Senan did horrible things he cannot forget - and neither can the public, nor the authorities charged with policing those released from captivity. Senan's sister-in-law Abbie (Page), however, is willing to give him a second chance. She lets him live with her and her young son, believing that Senan's actions while infected were beyond his control. But as an angry anti-cured movement burgeons in tandem with an increasingly radicalized pro-cured movement, Abbie is forced to question just how far her trust should be pushed. (Toronto International Film Festival)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Une intéressante contribution sur les zombies « guéris » et leur impossibilité à se réintégrer dans la société. Cela peut les conduire à sympathiser avec les prisonniers qui ne sont pas encore guéris… L'environnement britannique rappelle 28 jours plus tard et l'esprit révolutionnaire irlandais ainsi que la dimension psychologique du film annoncent un grand événement de genre. Cependant, le dénouement du film ne répond pas aux attentes grandissantes - les fans du genre ne seront pas satisfaits d'avoir si peu d'action zombie après autant de discussions. [Sitges FF] ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I thought that the Irish-French production The Cured was just a boring movie that simply plodded along. It could have been engaging. However, it leaves the viewer cold, which is quite a shame because the synopsis of this movie seemed like a step in the right direction. In the end, however, the whole premise fell off a cliff and died a horrible death. ()

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