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  • anglais Some Like It Veiled
Bande-annonce 3


Armand et Leila, étudiants à Science Po, forment un jeune couple. Ils projettent de partir à New York faire leur stage de fin d'études aux Nations Unies. Mais quand Mahmoud, le grand frère de Leila, revient d'un long séjour au Yémen qui l'a radicalement transformé, il s'oppose à la relation amoureuse de sa sœur et décide de l'éloigner à tout prix d'Armand. Pour s'introduire chez Mahmoud et revoir Leila, Armand n'a pas le choix : il doit enfiler le voile intégral ! Le lendemain, une certaine Schéhérazade au visage voilé sonne à la porte de Leila, et elle ne va pas laisser Mahmoud indifférent... (Mars Distribution)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 3

Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Sou Abadi blew me away with his sense of humor. Making fun of Muslims and the Koran takes a lot of courage, and he clearly has it. Moreover, he excels in this brisk comedy with unprecedented perspective and ease. (75%) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The French aren’t afraid of anything. This crazy comedy is based off a completely ridiculous idea. It’s then boosted by dialogues which aren’t exactly politically correct at times and lay into Muslims on purpose. It’s nice that it’s Muslims laying into Muslims, so if anyone has any problems, they can say it was still okay. Because I had a good laugh, which, truth be told, I didn’t expect at all. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A French satire that pokes fun at Muslims and their entire religion, but when Muslims make fun of themselves, everything is fine. The film has a very interesting premise. We have a couple in love, but the girl’s brother comes back from Yemen, where he’s been radicalised and he’s starting to get a bit off kilter. Of course he keeps his sister locked up at home and doesn't tolerate any friends of other nationalities. So the boyfriend hatches a plan to put on a Hijab and pretend to be the new sister so he can see his girlfriend, but Mahmoud soon falls in love with the sister! Some sequences are very funny, the scene where the son dressed in a hijab sits in the bus and his mother who hates Muslims stands opposite him is really good, and there are more situations like that. Those who know a bit about Arab culture will understand the allusions more, but the French really do it tastefully, intelligently and with wit. 75% ()

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