6 Femmes pour l'assassin

  • anglais Six Women for the Murderer (titre non officiel) (plus)


La Comtesse Como dirige à Rome un atelier de haute couture très réputé. Les ennuis commencent le jour où Isabelle, un de ses mannequins, est retrouvée morte dans une armoire. Le doute n'est pas permis: il s'agit d'un meurtre, et le premier d'une longue série. (Théâtre du Temple)

Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Blood and Black Lace is perhaps Bava’s most influential work, as it is the cornerstone not only of giallo films, but also of the first wave of American slasher flicks. Not only is its colourfulness reminiscent of Minnelli’s musicals, its narrative structure is also similar to that of a musical. It is not about the victims, who can be joined by practically anyone at any time, so identifying with any one character wouldn’t make a lot of sense. Nor is it about the detectives, who don’t reveal much, so we won’t get much pleasure out of the uncovering of new connections. It’s about the murders and their immediate emotional impact. The individual murders are staged as lavish musical numbers that are generally unnecessary for the development of the narrative (besides the symbolism of colour, music also plays a significant role in these scene). However, an aesthetically satisfying impression is made in them through a combination of unusual camera positions (the shot from the fireplace), ambiguous mise-en-scène (the terrifying mannequins) and extreme violence (which would still be extreme even by today’s standards, if we could just see more of it). In between, the men fall into frustration, the women engage in intrigue and paranoia rises. A baroque psychosexual thriller with everything that involves. Amare o lasciare. 75% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Yellow probably couldn't have started any better. Blood and Black Lace is actually a fairly simple whodunit story, but thanks to the directorial approach of Mario Bava, it has become an immortal genre classic, which even at the end after the killer is revealed transitions into an ancient tragedy. Buckets of blood were still to come, but the film richly provides a captivatingly dense atmosphere and cleverly structured plot to keep you engaged. Upon second viewing, I enjoyed it even more and I wouldn't add that fifth star just because of the drawn-out pre-final phase where the film loses its breath for a brief moment. Otherwise, it's an absolute gem and a strong building block on which the foundations of the giallo genre stand. ()