
  • États-Unis Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (plus)

VOD (1)


Akira Kurosawa dit de ce film composé de huit rêves: "Soleil sous la pluie", "le Verger aux péchers", "la Tempête de neige", "le Tunnel", "les Corbeaux", "le Mont Fuji en rouge", "les Démons gémissants", "le Village des moulins à eau": "Quand il rêve, l'homme est un génie. Il est audacieux et intrépide comme un génie. Voilà ce à quoi je me suis attaché au moment de filmer ces huit rêves. Pour faire un film de ce scénario, il était indispensable de s'exprimer avec audace et sans peur... comme dans un rêve." (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Even though there are images here that are truly beautiful, images that show that Akira Kurosawa delved even deeper into lyricism towards the end of his career, it's rather his more narrative-driven films that appeal to me and that I truly enjoy. From this, I had the feeling that it was more of a very well-executed artistic exercise. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais One of the main problems is that the dreams are unbalanced. If only just the dreams... Only Crows meets the parameters of a classic dream, otherwise the rest is a hodge-podge of dreams as in wishes (presented here in the form of naive humanist theses similar to the typical Miss line “I want world peace") and, with some poetic license, something that could be considered to be new-age (of course humanist) kaidans. Only three of the eight stories could be considered really outstanding: The Blizzard (the atmosphere!), Crows (nicely playful in a dreamy way) and Mount Fuji in Red (the only one where Kurosawa managed to put across his message in a hard-hitting and not just didactic manner). ()