
Spartacus est rongé par le remords devant le cadavre de Varro. Il explique alors à Doctore qu'il voudrait pouvoir revenir en arrière et choisir de mourir à la place de son ami. Plus tard, il finit par avouer à Aurelia qu'il est responsable de la mort de l'homme qui le considérait comme son frère... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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anglais From a retrospective perspective, it is shown that the fundamental mistake in Batiatus' path to power was to eliminate Lucretia from knowing his plans. He sealed his own future with the senseless murder of Sura. And yet, from the example of pity he showed in the case with Varro, it is clear that he never acted blindly. He was blinded only by his own desire to overcome himself. The return of Spartacus to his old Thracian nature is due to chance and the selfish love of the slave girl Mira. Something like this certainly could not have been expected even by the cunning Ashur. The comeback of Crixus is just a cherry on top of the ride to hell presented by the last three episodes of the epic series Blood and Sand. ()