Après la pluie

  • Japon Koi wa ameagari no jó ni (plus)



Akira Tachibana (17 ans), jadis star de son club d'athlétisme, a dû s'arrêter de courir suite à une blessure. Masami Kondo (45 ans) est le gérant du Jardin, le restaurant familial où Akira travaille. Cette histoire se déroule dans une ville côtière et dépeint les vies d'une jeune fille à un point focal de sa jeunesse et d'un homme à un tournant de sa vie. Chacun désire vivre d'intenses émotions. (Amazon Prime Video)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Such a gentle spectacle with that rather characteristic Shōjo animation – lots of bubbles and glitter, but the backgrounds are bland and often static. It doesn't really matter here, because it's all about the rain, finding yourself against a backdrop of what many would consider to be very strange and disparate loves. Each episode goes by quickly, so you gobble up these cherries without even realizing it, but unfortunately you may get the feeling that you haven't actually learned anything. Still, it's the kind of sweet thing that doesn't push the envelope, the heroine is her own person and doesn't let it get to her, for which I have to give a thumbs up. It's a completely human show and I wouldn't look for any drama behind it. It was nice and I am looking forward to the live-action treatment, because this could look very good in it. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais After the Rain is a pleasant, easy-going show with a lovely romantic setting and genuine problems facing most of the rather friendly characters, and I have to say this show was always enjoyable and refreshing. I really like the main two protagonists as a couple, and I enjoy their romantic and (equally interesting) personal adventures. Plus, in addition to the main two protagonists, another rather sweet couple is slowly coming through. Their occasional interactions were as enjoyable as those between the main two protagonists. I found this show to be a really well-produced piece of work. 8.2/10. ()