Le Pacificateur

  • États-Unis The Peacemaker


Les accords Start mettent fin à cinquante ans de guerre froide. La Russie s'engage à désactiver ses stocks d'armes nucléaires. Une dizaine de missiles russes sont aussitôt volés. Le docteur Julia Kelly, responsable de la sécurité nucléaire à Washington, se voit confier la direction des recherches. On lui adjoint un coéquipier aux méthodes très personnelles mais efficaces, le lieutenant-colonel Tom Devoe. Il réussissent à recuperer la quasi-totalité des missiles. Mais l'un des terroristes, Vlado, s'échappe, emportant une ogive dans son sac à dos. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Although the well staged action scenes are unfortunately interspersed with quite a lot of typical action clichés, Mimi Leder provides us with a rather typical “family” experience instead of “macho toughness”. George Clooney is, of course, perfect and Nicole Kidman can't give a bad performance. The locations change very quickly and sometimes it can be difficult to register them, and the editor doesn't help with the clarity either, but the film as a whole is reasonably satisfying. The thrilling final chase, nicely underscored by Hanz Zimmer's music, is captivating. The occasionally lackluster visual effects are not much of a problem. A decent action middle-of-the-road film, unpretentious entertainment for a Saturday night. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Back in the 1990s, a slightly above-average double episode called 24 Hours (the pilot of ER) really received a lot of attention. Here, Mimi doesn't come up with anything dazzling, but at least Clooney has some snappy lines, and Nicole looks good. There are a few solid scenes, and even the bad guy stands out (at least on paper, though not very significantly in the film), but the best thing about Peacemaker is Hans Zimmer's score. Yep, that was the golden nineties... You watched CNN during Desert Storm. Remember all those television shots from the nose cone of the GBU missiles slammin' into those trucks? Remember that picture? How it kept gettin' closer and bigger on the screen? You'd just about see the faces of those drivers and then... Zap. The picture went dead. We didn't get to see what happened next. Well guess what, Alek? You will. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If I was more of a Bratislava fan, I could enjoy this film a lot more. As it is, it's just a silly Hollywood flick, embellished by the dysfunctional Clooney/Kidman duo. Clooney plays the classic style that made him famous, while Kidman only distinguishes her role with her alabaster skin and new dark brown haircut, but otherwise both are bored through the film, as is the audience. ()