Derry Girls - Season 3 (2022) (saison)

The Reunion (S03E05)


VOD (1)


Lors de la réunion des anciens élèves, Ma Mary et Tante Sarah tombent sur une vieille amie qui les pousse à déterrer un sombre secret datant du bal de promo de 1977. (Netflix)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Wow, that was a blast! Huge shoutout to the creators for centering the whole plot of the fifth episode around the supporting characters. They absolutely nailed it. The school reunion and the '77 graduation party were a riot, and Joe's presence at both events? Hilarious. Plus, it was kind of an enlightening episode – finally found out what happened to Orla's tonsils. / Lesson learned: You can't stop progress. ()

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